Iinlist.com is owned and operated by Iinlist ApS, Bøgedalsvej 5, 8680 Ry, Denmark, company registration/VAT no. 43222961.
Iinlist offers BIN/IIN data products. Through an API you can access credit card metadata.
The liability of Iinlist is limited to 1 x the customer’s annual subscription payment. Iinlist does not assume any liability for downtime, but to the extent that, on a monthly basis, uptime is less than 95 %, a 10% discount will be granted. An uptime of between 90% and 95% results in a discount of 25%. An uptime of less than 90% results in a discount of 100% for the given month.
It is the Customer’s responsibility that the Service is only used for BIN/IIN data look up and that the service is used in accordance with Visa and Mastercard rules. Iinlist reserves the right - without compensation or responsibility - to temporarily suspend the Service fully or partly if the Customer systematically seeks to abuse the service. Iinlist reserves the right - without compensation or liability - to suspend the Service fully or partly if Iinlist is exposed to hacker attacks or similar.
The Customer is not allowed to systematically walk through (scrape) the API and data to create their own BIN/IIN dataset.
Iinlist is expected to have an uptime of 99,9 %. To the extent that scheduled service interruptions are necessary, they will be placed at times when there is minimal impact on our customers’ operations.
It is a condition of use of the Service that the Customer will pay the invoice with a credit card. The subscription will be paid monthly and any additional requests used on top of the usage included in the plan will be billed in the following month. No later than 14 days after a new invoice has been sent the payment has to be made.
Objections to the invoice must be sent to Iinlist within 10 working days. After this, the invoice is considered to be approved by the Customer.
You need to treat the API key as a secret and you are responsible for any usage of the API key. If you suspect anybody else has gotten access to your API key you should contact us immediately, so we can issue a new API key and disable the old one.
The Customer can terminate the agreement with three months’ notice unless otherwise agreed (especially for enterprise customers). Iinlist ApS can terminate the agreement with 12 months notice. Prohibition against resale of license and handover of the rights of use to third parties Unless specifically agreed between the parties, the Customer may not resell, sublicense or in any other manner allow any third party to use the Service.
Iinlist will keep a registry of clients using the service. Following termination of service a client will be deleted from our records.
The parties are obligated to keep any information confidential under this agreement.
Any dispute between the parties shall be settled by the court of Aarhus under Danish law.